Valley Unified Buddies

Valley Unified Sports and Valley Buddies have joined forces to form the Valey Unified Buddies Booster Club. Unified Sports gives students with learning differences a safe and inclusive place to be part of an interscholastic sports team.

Valley Buddies pairs those same students with peer mentors. Together these kids form lifelong friendships by going to dances, participating in school activities and hanging out after school.

Valley Unified Buddies is the booster club for both Unified Sports and Valley Buddies. Our goal is to raise awareness to increase inclusivity and to provide these aftheles and students with everything their team needs and to ensure everyone in the Valley Buddies program can participate in trips, dances and activiities.

  • Valley Unified Buddies, Inc

    is a subordinate member in good-standing of Parent Booster USA, Inc. and as a result is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN:88-2228137, DBA Parent Booster USA